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B. Additional ongoing disclosures

VASPs Licensed to issue FRVAs shall at least every month and in a clear, accurate and transparent manner disclose on their website the following information regarding whether an FRVA is one hundred percent [100%] backed by Reserve Assets—
  a. the number and value of FRVAs in circulation; and
the value and composition of the Reserve Assets,

as independently audited in accordance with Rule III.D.1 of these FRVA Rules.
Disclosures in accordance with Rule II.B.1 of these FRVA Rules shall be accompanied by a statement confirming whether the FRVA is, for the period covered and at the time of the disclosure, at least one hundred percent [100%] backed by Reserve Assets in accordance with independent audit requirements in Rule III.D.1 of these FRVA Rules.
VASPs Licensed to issue FRVAs shall as soon as possible and in a clear, accurate and transparent manner disclose on their website any event that has or is likely to have a significant effect, directly or indirectly, on the market value of the FRVAs.