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Effective from Feb 07 2023 - Sep 18 2023
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This Virtual Asset Issuance Rulebook [VA Issuance Rulebook] is issued by VARA pursuant to the Virtual Assets and Related Activities Regulations 2023 [the Regulations] and includes requirements that all Entities in the Emirate wishing to issue a Virtual Asset must follow, including but not limited to—
  registration requirements for issuing Permitted VAs; and
  prior approval requirements for issuing all Virtual Assets other than Permitted VAs.
VARA views the Rules contained in this VA Issuance Rulebook as a starting point for the regulation of Virtual Assets which are issued by Entities in the Emirate and these Rules operate in addition to the regulation of VA Activities carried out in the Emirate.
In order to address emerging risks and the continually evolving developments in the Virtual Assets sector both globally and in the Emirate, VARA will continue to monitor these Rules and amend them from time to time. In addition to the Rules in this VA Issuance Rulebook, specific Rules or Directives for certain types of Virtual Assets, as defined by VARA, shall be made available from time to time.
The most updated version of the Regulations, this VA Issuance Rulebook and any additional Rules or Directives will be made available on VARA’s website.
Capitalised terms in this VA Issuance Rulebook have the meanings defined herein or as defined in Schedule 1.