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G. Prohibition on incentive benefits

VASPs Licensed to issue FRVAs shall not grant any interest, or otherwise make any payments or benefits [whether or not in the form of an FRVA] for the purpose of incentivising Entities to acquire, hold, or otherwise use an FRVA.
For the purposes of Rule III.G.1 of these FRVA Rules, the following shall be treated as benefits—
any remuneration, whether or not related to the length of time during which a holder of an FRVA holds such FRVA;
net compensation or discounts, with the purported effect equivalent or similar to that of interest accrued to a holder of the FRVA, directly from the VASP Licensed to issue the FRVA or from third parties; and
any other benefits [whether or not monetary in nature] which may incentivise Entities to acquire, hold, or otherwise use an FRVA, as may be determined by VARA in its sole and absolute discretion.