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  • Part II – VA Transfer and Settlement Rules

    • A General Requirements

      VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services must comply with the provisions set forth in this Part II of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook.
      In addition to the Rules in this Part II of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook, VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services must also comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements issued by the CBUAE which apply to the VASP, including but not limited to all such applicable legal and regulatory requirements, which pertain to the end-to-end enablement of payments, remittances and/or other related services as may be amended from time to time.
      In addition to the Rules in this Part II of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook, VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services must ensure that they comply with all legal and regulatory requirements for such services, inside and outside of the UAE. VASPs must ensure at all times that any transmission or transfer, and/or settlement being undertaken is permissible and can be facilitated through, and concluded in, all jurisdictions that are relevant to that transmission or transfer, and/or settlement.
      In addition to all other requirements in the Compliance and Risk Management Rulebook, VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services must comply with all requirements with respect to AML/CFT contained in that Rulebook, including but not limited to FATF-specific compliance requirements such as the Travel Rule.
    • B Property Interests and Protection of Client Virtual Assets

      VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services are prohibited from selling, transferring, assigning, lending, rehypothecating, pledging, converting into another Virtual Asset, or otherwise using or encumbering any Virtual Assets for the purposes of a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement, or authorising or permitting the same, except when authorised by explicit consent from their client to do so, as part of the VA Transfer and Settlement Services being provided to that client.
      The consent required under Rule II.B.1 of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook must be secured through explicit instruction from, or acceptance by the client prior to the VASP carrying out any VA Transfer and Settlement Services for that client, but is not required on a per transmission or transfer, and/or settlement basis, unless explicitly required by the client, insofar as the said transmission or transfer, and/or settlement meets the conditions consented to by the client.
    • C Authorisation and Responsibility for Transmissions or Transfers, and/or Settlements

      VASPs must have procedures for ensuring that all VA Transfer and Settlement Services carried out for a client are authorised by the relevant client, and that the VASP is acting in accordance with the client’s instructions at all times.
      To the extent that any Virtual Assets transmission or transfer, and/or settlement processed by a VASP as part of any VA Transfer and Settlement Services is not authorised by the relevant client, or is not carried out by the VASP in accordance with the client’s instructions due to any reason whether or not it is a VASP triggered consequence, the VASP—
      shall, as soon as practicable but in all events within twenty-four [24] hours of becoming aware of such erroneous execution, refund the client or otherwise restore the client’s account to the state it would have been in, had the wrongful transmission or transfer, and/or settlement not been effected; and
      is liable to the client in respect of the loss suffered by the client as a direct result of the VASP’s actions or omissions.
      Where a VASP’s client is the sender of a Virtual Assets transmission or transfer, and/or settlement the VASP is liable to its client for the correct transmission or transfer, and/or settlement of the Virtual Assets to the recipient, whether the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement is to the recipient’s VASP [if applicable] or VA Wallet. To the extent that any such Virtual Assets transmission or transfer, and/or settlement is not received by the target recipient, the VASP must make immediate efforts to trace the Virtual Assets, establish the cause of the failure, and notify its client [the sender] of the outcome. The VASP shall only be deemed to have fulfilled its responsibility if and when it is able to prove that it is not liable in respect of a non-executed, defectively executed or incomplete Virtual Assets transmission or transfer, and/or settlement.
      A recipient’s VASP [if applicable] is responsible for the systemic readiness and infrastructural functioning of VA Wallets and/or accounts of its clients for the purposes of receiving Virtual Assets, as well as providing all routing information that is necessary for a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement to be completed when requested by the sender’s VASP. To the extent that any Virtual Assets transmission or transfer, and/or settlement is not received by the target recipient, the recipient VASP shall only be liable if and when the sender’s VASP can establish that it has executed the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement in accordance with the instructions, and that the error was caused by the recipient’s VASP.
      VASPs must maintain records of all client instructions for a period of eight [8] years.
    • D Client Disclosures

      In addition to all requirements in the Market Conduct Rulebook, prior to entering into any Client Agreements to provide VA Transfer and Settlement Services, VASPs must disclose to clients and potential clients all material risks associated with using Virtual Assets in connection with VA Transfer and Settlement Services, including but not limited to—
      Virtual Assets transactions may be irreversible, meaning that any losses suffered because of fraud or an accidental or unauthorised transaction may not be recoverable;
      Virtual Assets transactions may not be finalised until recorded on the relevant DLT for the Virtual Asset, which may not be the time or date that the client initiates the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement; and
      Virtual Assets may experience technical difficulties unrelated to actions by the VASP that may in turn impact the client’s ability to access or use the Virtual Assets for transmissions or transfers, and/or settlements.
      In addition to all requirements in the Market Conduct Rulebook, prior to entering into any Client Agreements to provide VA Transfer and Settlement Services, VASPs must disclose all the relevant terms and conditions associated with the VA Transfer and Settlement Services, including, as applicable, the following—
      a fee schedule listing—
          i. all fees and charges and how they will be paid;
          ii. how the fees and charges are calculated, if they are not set in advance; and
      when they will be assessed;
        b. information about execution times;
      whether the client has a right to stop or amend a pre-authorised transmission or transfer, and/or settlement, or revoke authorisation for a transmission, transfer or settlement, including the required procedure to initiate stop-settlement orders, or revoke the authorisation for a subsequent transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
      the client’s and the VASP’s respective liabilities for any unauthorised, mistaken, or accidental transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
        e. general error-resolution rights that apply to transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
      the client’s right to receive periodic account statements and Virtual Asset valuations from the VASP;
      the client’s right to receive a receipt or other evidence of a Virtual Asset transmission or transfer, and/or settlement; and
      to the extent relevant—
      any ability of the VASP to vary unilaterally the terms of any contract with the client for the provision of VA Transfer and Settlement Services, and client’s right to terminate such contract. If the client is a Retail Investor, terms and conditions shall specify—
      that any notice to vary unilaterally shall be provided by the VASP to the client no later than sixty [60] calendar days before the date on which any change is due to take effect; and
      that the client must have a right to terminate the contract without charge at any time before such a change takes effect, which the VASP shall also communicate at the time of giving notice.
      In respect of any other type of client, the VASP and the client may agree to waive such requirements; and
      any ability of the VASP and/or client to terminate a contract for the provisions of VA Transfer and Settlement Services. If the client is a Retail Investor, the terms and conditions shall—
      specify that the client may terminate the contract at any time unless the client and the VASP have agreed a notice period of no more than thirty [30] calendar days; and
      that the VASP may terminate a contract by giving at least sixty [60] calendar days’ notice.
      VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services may not exclude, or attempt to exclude, any form of actual or potential liability in respect of the VA Transfer and Settlement Services by virtue of having provided the disclosures required under this Rule II.D of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook.
    • E Exchange, Trade or Conversion

      In addition to all other requirements in this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook, VASPs providing VA Transfer and Settlement Services which involve any exchange, trade or conversion between the Virtual Assets received and another Virtual Asset or fiat currency, must—
        a. continue to act honestly, fairly and in good faith;
      provide a description of how they undertake any exchange, trade or conversion, to their clients or potential clients, including whether they use any third party, and the nature of the role of such third party;
      disclose all relevant terms and conditions associated with the exchange, trade or conversion, to their clients or potential clients, including but not limited to applicable fees;
      do everything within their control to ensure completion of the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement thereafter, including any such exchange, trade or conversion, subject only to limitations or malfunctioning of any DLT in the event they are not controlled directly or indirectly by the VASP or its Group; and
      remain directly responsible to their clients for the completion of the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement as relevant.
    • F Receipts

      Immediately after receiving client instructions to initiate a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement, a VASP must provide the client with a receipt including the following information—
      confirmation of whether the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement has been successfully initiated;
        b. date and time of receipt of the client’s instructions;
        c. amount and type of Virtual Assets in the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
      name and unique identifier of the Entity to which transmission or transfer, and/or settlement is to be credited;
        e. name of the client who made the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
        f. a breakdown of all fees paid or payable by the client and when they are paid or payable;
      a breakdown of all exchanges, trades or conversions to be completed in the course of any transmission or transfer, and/or settlement [if applicable];
        h. transaction identification details and/or reference;
      the VASP’s name and contact information, including information necessary for the client to ask a question or file a complaint;
        j. a statement regarding the VASP’s liability for non-delivery or delayed delivery; and
      a statement regarding the VASP’s refund policy.
      Immediately after a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement has been finalised, a VASP must provide the client with a receipt including the following information—
      date and time of the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement being credited to the recipient;
        b. amount and type of Virtual Assets in the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
        c. transaction identification details and/or reference; and
      full details of all exchanges, trades or conversions completed in the course of the transmissions or transfers, and/or settlements [if applicable], including times, rates of exchange and all fees.
      VASPs must maintain all receipts provided in accordance with Rules II.F.1 and II.F.2 of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook for a period of eight [8] years.