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F Receipts

Immediately after receiving client instructions to initiate a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement, a VASP must provide the client with a receipt including the following information—
confirmation of whether the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement has been successfully initiated;
  b. date and time of receipt of the client’s instructions;
  c. amount and type of Virtual Assets in the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
name and unique identifier of the Entity to which transmission or transfer, and/or settlement is to be credited;
  e. name of the client who made the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
  f. a breakdown of all fees paid or payable by the client and when they are paid or payable;
a breakdown of all exchanges, trades or conversions to be completed in the course of any transmission or transfer, and/or settlement [if applicable];
  h. transaction identification details and/or reference;
the VASP’s name and contact information, including information necessary for the client to ask a question or file a complaint;
  j. a statement regarding the VASP’s liability for non-delivery or delayed delivery; and
a statement regarding the VASP’s refund policy.
Immediately after a transmission or transfer, and/or settlement has been finalised, a VASP must provide the client with a receipt including the following information—
date and time of the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement being credited to the recipient;
  b. amount and type of Virtual Assets in the transmission or transfer, and/or settlement;
  c. transaction identification details and/or reference; and
full details of all exchanges, trades or conversions completed in the course of the transmissions or transfers, and/or settlements [if applicable], including times, rates of exchange and all fees.
VASPs must maintain all receipts provided in accordance with Rules II.F.1 and II.F.2 of this VA Transfer and Settlement Services Rulebook for a period of eight [8] years.