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  • Part I – Polices, Procedures and Public Disclosures

    • A. Policies and Procedures

      1. In addition to all other requirements in the Regulations and Rulebooks, VASPs providing Broker-Dealer Services shall establish, implement and enforce appropriate written internal policies and procedures relating to the following—
        a. the prohibition, detection, prevention and/or deterrence of Market Offences and any other abusive practices within their business or using their services including, but not limited to, relevant internal rules, compliance programmes, sanctioning policies and powers;
        b. Execution and routing of client orders;
        c. the ability of clients to have access to and withdraw their Virtual Assets including, but not limited to, during periods of high uncertainty and/or extreme volatility; and
        d. such other policies and procedures as VARA may require from time to time.
      2. VASPs providing Broker-Dealer Services shall assess and, in any case, at least yearly review the effectiveness of their policies and procedures and take appropriate measures to address any deficiencies.|
    • B. Public Disclosures

      1. VASPs providing Broker-Dealer Services shall publish on their website in a prominent place or make available by other publicly accessible means—
        a. a detailed description of any actual or potential conflicts of interest arising out of their activities, and how these are managed;
        b. their policies and procedures relating to data privacy, whistleblowing and handling of client complaints;
        c. a summary containing the following information pertaining to each Virtual Asset offered by the VASP—
          i. name and symbol;
          ii. date of issuance;
          iii. market capitalisation and fully diluted value;
          iv. circulating supply, including as a percentage of maximum total supply [if applicable];
          v. whether the Virtual Asset has been subject to an independent smart contract audit and the date of the most recent audit; and
          vi. largest reduction in price from high to low stated as both an absolute amount and a percentage change, including when it occurred;
        d. a description of how the VASP determines the prices of the Virtual Assets it quotes to clients;
        e. a description of the VASP's routing practices, including if twenty percent [20%] or more of client orders are routed to any liquidity source and if so, the identity of such source[s];
        f. a statement as to whether the VASP holds or maintains funds or Virtual Assets or provides clearing services for other VASPs providing Broker-Dealer Services and if so, include a description of those services;
        g. a statement as to the VASP’s arrangements for the protection of clients’ ownership of assets held by the VASP;
        h. a statement of whether the VASP refers or introduces clients to other Entities including, but not limited to, other VASPs and, if so, a description of the terms of such arrangements and the monetary or non-monetary benefits received by the VASP, including by way of reciprocation for any service or business; and
        i. a statement of whether the VASP has accounts, funds or Virtual Assets maintained by a third party and if so, provide the identity of that third party.
      2. Other disclosable matters. To the extent permissible under applicable laws, VASPs providing Broker-Dealer Services shall publish on their website or by other publicly accessible means—
        a. details of any past convictions or prosecutions of any member[s] of their Senior Management or Board, whether before the courts of the UAE or the courts of another jurisdiction; and
        b. any such other information relating to their business or activities as VARA may reasonably require.
      3. The disclosure requirements set out in this Rule I.B of this Broker-Dealer Services Rulebook are in addition to all disclosures required under the Market Conduct Rulebook and to all notifications to VARA required under the Compliance and Risk Management Rulebook.