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  • Part V – Public Disclosures

    VASPs shall ensure the information listed in this Part V of this Market Conduct Rulebook is provided in an easily accessible location on their website in a machine-readable format and is kept accurate and up-to-date at all times.
    • A. Licence Details and Authorised VA Activities

      1. VASPs shall publish the Licence number issued to them by VARA.
      2. VASPs shall publish all VA Activities they are Licensed by VARA to carry out in the Emirate [including any restrictions stated by VARA as a condition of their Licence] and the validity period of such Licences.
      3. VASPs shall publish the names of all Responsible Individuals.
    • B. Risk Disclosure Statement

      1. VASPs shall publish a detailed description of all material risks associated with Virtual Assets, including but not limited to a specific statement that Virtual Assets—
        a. may lose their value in part or in full and are subject to extreme volatility at times;
        b. may not always be transferable and some transfers may be irreversible;
        c. may not be liquid;
        d. some transactions are not private and may be recorded on public DLTs; and
        e. may be subject to fraud, manipulation, theft, including through hacks and other targeted schemes and may not benefit from legal protections.