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A. Licensing Requirements

Effective from Feb 07 2023 - Sep 18 2023
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1. Requirement to hold a Licence.
  a. All Entities wishing to carry out one or more VA Activities in the Emirate must seek authorisation from VARA prior to conducting any VA Activity.
  b. All Entities shall apply for, obtain and maintain a Licence issued by VARA in order to be permitted to carry out each VA Activity that it will conduct in the Emirate.
2. Licensing process. All Entities seeking a Licence from VARA shall adhere to the licensing process as prescribed by VARA from time to time when applying for the Licence.
3. Requirement to meet licensing conditions. VASPs shall comply with any and all licensing conditions as communicated by VARA in its Licence or otherwise from time to time, which shall include but not be limited to compliance with all Regulations, Rules and Directives.
4. Activities outside of the Emirate. If a VASP carries out any VA Activity for which it is Licensed by VARA to carry out in the Emirate in any jurisdiction outside of the Emirate, it shall comply with all Regulations, Rules and Directives in respect of such VA Activity carried out in such other jurisdiction as a minimum standard.
5. Professional Exemption.
  a. Duly registered [i] practising lawyers; [ii] accountants; and/or [iii] other professionally licensed business consultants that carry out any VA Activity in a manner that is wholly incidental to their professional practice do not need a Licence, provided that they—
    i. remain at all times appropriately authorised by a competent professional body to operate in the Emirate; and
    ii. maintain professional indemnity insurance as applicable to their profession.
    [the Professional Exemption].
  b. VARA has sole and absolute discretion at any time to decide whether an Entity has appropriately relied on this Professional Exemption in respect of any VA Activities it has carried out.
6. Exempt Entities.
  a. Exempt Entities shall not be subject to the requirements in Regulations IV.A.1-4, provided that such Exempt Entities must—
    i. notify VARA and obtain confirmation of its Exempt Entity status;
    ii. in such instance, obtain a no-objection confirmation from VARA prior to carrying out any VA Activities in the Emirate; and
    iii. comply with all requirements of these Regulations, Rules, Directives and other conditions notified to it by VARA as a condition of providing such no-objection confirmation.
  b. VARA has sole and absolute discretion at any time in deciding whether an Entity is an Exempt Entity and/or granting any no-objection confirmation under Regulation IV.A.6.a above.
7. Mandatory registration for large proprietary traders.
  a. Any Entity in the Emirate that actively invests its own portfolio in Virtual Assets at or above USD 250,000,000 equivalent value of Virtual Assets during any rolling thirty [30] calendar days period, must register with VARA, in accordance with the registration process prescribed by VARA from time to time, prior to investing at, or in no event later than three [3] Working Days of having invested, such volume.
  b. Registration under Regulation IV.A.7.a does not permit any Entity to carry out any VA Activity[ies] in the Emirate and/or constitute any authorisation or Licence from VARA for any business or activities that Entity carries out and Regulations III and IV.A.1 shall apply at all times.
  c. An Entity investing its own portfolio does not permit accepting or trading Virtual Assets belonging to another Entity.
8. Voluntary registration for other market participants.
  a. Any Entity seeking to obtain a commercial or free zone licence in the Emirate to carry out the following business activities may voluntarily register with VARA in accordance with the registration process prescribed by VARA from time to time—
    i. providers of technology services relating to or utilising Distributed Ledger Technology to other businesses; or
    ii. Entities that actively invest their own portfolio in Virtual Assets.
  b. Registration under Regulation IV.A.8.a does not permit any Entity to carry out any VA Activity[ies] in the Emirate and/or constitute any authorisation or Licence from VARA for any business activities that Entity carries out and Regulations III, IV.A.1 and IV.A.7.a shall apply at all times.